How Underground Drillers Can Improve Efficiency?

How Underground Drillers Can Improve Efficiency?

Efficient drilling processes are the backbone of any mining project. Despite significant advancements in the petroleum and thermal power industries, underground drilling techniques and mining equipment still fall short in terms of scientific development. Even today, a significant portion of miners rely on age-old techniques like hand-drilling in the primary stages of a project. The use of explosives and outdated drilling tools can cause alarming consequences for the workers and the environment.

Even with the advent of technology, underground drilling equipment has only witnessed an evolution rather than revolution. Traditional underground equipment is being reinvented for better performance, increased accuracy, and overall ease of use.

Aiming to resolve the many hazards and shortcomings of underground drilling tools, GME aims to equip you with the right pneumatic equipment for optimum functionality and performance.

Drilling Without Pusher Leg-mounted Jackhammer

Using heavy drilling equipment like outdated rock drills, or even handheld rockdrills in some cases, yields poor efficiency. Apart from being a tedious process, the holes drilled in this way rarely exceed 400mm in depth and can cause complications to the mining process.

Moreover, the workers involved in the drilling are exposed to more dust and debris with traditional equipment. The prolonged exposure to vibrations from these tools also has adverse effects on the site workers. When mining tools are used for longer durations, they get overheated and these tools become difficult to handle as well as a fire hazard in no time.

This is where the pusher leg-mounted jackhammer becomes of help. The GME G250 Pusher Leg Mounted Jackhammer is lightweight and much more efficient in its work. This compressed air-powered drill is handheld and can be operated with ease, the drill makes the drilling process easier than ever.

Ease of Drilling With Pusher Leg-mounted Jackhammer

Introducing a pusher leg-mounted jackhammer as an underground drill to your crew is the best decision you can make in the foreseeable future. With its lightweight body and high performance, the G250 Pusher Leg-mounted Jackhammer is perfectly suited for drilling at low-stoping height conditions.

Thanks to the noise-reducing muffler, this drill saves the user from loud noises and vibrations. To the miner’s delight, this underground drill also suppresses the creation of excess dust.

With the additional T-handle supplied, the product can be used as a sinker drill as well. The pusher leg-mounted jackhammer can also be used to install roof bolts. Most importantly, it is well lubricated to prevent overheating. Making this GME product model an even better choice, its parts can be interchanged with Board Longyear S250 Pusher Leg-mounted Jackhammer.

Summing It Up

Armed with the right drilling equipment and the right operating expertise, workers at mining and construction sites can improve their safety and raise the bar on productivity. Staying on top of the innovations in drilling equipment is not only beneficial to the site workers but also helps the establishments that they work for.

Over time, this helps develop the infrastructure, streamline operations, and help companies achieve their bottom line through their cost-effective nature.

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